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Trainers and Classes

Along with our private field hire we also have the wonderful Ebony from Sporting Paws Dog Training holding regular classes here. 









Ebony is a graduate of The Institute of Modern Dog trainers and is a Puppy and Dog trainer who also is in her last year completing Bio Veterinary studies.

Ebony also volunteered with the kennel club to help run events such as discover dogs and Crufts for the last 4 years.

She has been a handler of show dogs for many years and has experience with most breeds. As well as this she is a qualified judge of a variety of breeds and on committee for multiple dog society's.

She has 2 Dobermans and a German pinscher, who she competes in agility, tricks, disc dog and obedience with 

Ebony has proven really popular here at Running Paws Maghull with her different classes

 Basic Training Class

a 4 week course £75

Teaching you and your dog

- Recall

- Sit Stay

- Touch

-Eye Contact 

- Loose lead foundations

and any other tips you may need.


Flyball class

£12 per drop in session


£40 for a 4 week course

Fancy trying something a little different?

got a ball crazy dog?

Flyball is a great way to physically and mentally stimulate your dog.

 Bronze training Class

a 6 week course £75.00

Teaching you and your dog 

- Recall

-Sit Stay

-Eye contact 

- Life skills

and any other tips you may need.


 Agility training class 

Drop in sessions £15

Build a stronger bond between you and your dog whilst doing something not only physically stimulating but also menially for your dog.

Agility training is super fun for both you and your dog,

Beginner with no experience to already agility nuts! 

Ebony will tailor your session to you and your dog.



Silver Training Classes

6 week course £85

 For those who have graduated their bronze with us be ready to get your training caps back on with this course! Incorporating rally obedience, road work and real life situational training

Held here at Running Paws Maghull and other off site venues



Reactive Dogs Training

6 week course £90

Do you have a reactive dog?

This course has 2 weeks online tutoring prior to our in person classes so that you have the foundations to enter class with confidence.

 One to One training-

Tailored to suit you and your dogs needs

Please contact Ebony directly for more info



If you'd like any information or to book onto any of the training courses contact Ebony directly

Tel 07487 664820




**please be advised that Running Paws Maghull and Sporting Paws Dog Training are two separate Businesses**


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